Nyakarima King
4 min readAug 4, 2020
photo credit: rawEarth Juneteenth2020_PortOfOakland_IMG_1937–1 via photopin (license)

George Floyd’s death left me paralyzed with inaction for a couple of days.

Watching that tall man call out for his dead mother leaves an imprint on your heart.

After the event, I watched “end racism debates” from all voices; Shaun King, T. D. Jakes, Kimberley Latrice Jones, Trevor Noah, etc. I even watch Boosie Badazz who uses colourful language but has had a lot of interesting run ins with the police.

The discussion that calmed and sort of returned me to a bit of normalcy was an Instagram live discussion between Doctor Anita Phillips and Christine Caine. That mind-blowing talk spoke to my spirit, enlightened, and educated me.

God allowed Covid-19 to happen to us.

The obvious assumption is if we beg long enough, He will take this plague from us so we can resume regular programming.

But what if God is saying, “I don’t like the way you are running the world.”

“I don’t like the way you have taken me out of some churches.”

“We are not resuming regular programming till I see you guys actively changing some institutions.”

“Show me changes to today’s church.”

One of the things God detests is racism.

For more than four centuries, white people have been telling Him His work is subpar. And they think that He is their buddy.

The other thing He hates is people using His name whilst masking their own agendas.

Saying you are Christian, attending church but being an evil, shady person the rest of the week.

I suggest we fix these two issues and Covid-19 will disappear like a morning mist.

The only body that can eliminate racism is the church. They have the clout and resources.

I do not dislike racism just because I am black. I have had life changing brushes with it.

My highly intelligent father went to medical school in the USA. They called him a monkey and it incensed him so much that his consequent behaviour led to his deportation back to Kenya.

My dad’s mom had cerebellar ataxia; a disease that MOSTLY only affects white people. (The neuro who diagnosed it told me he had never seen an African patient). She got it after a rape by a Portuguese sailor with the faulty gene. She passed it to five of her nine kids, including my dad. He then passed it to my two sisters who have both passed away. (My youngest sister who would have turned 36 today, died in October 2019.)

Guess who else has it.


Cerebellar ataxia is terminal and has no medical cure.

I also had a massive nervous breakdown two years after my Dad died.

He passed away three years after I left Kenya in a quest for higher learning in the USA. It was such a humiliating event; I abruptly left the country and broke up with the only man who has ever loved me properly: a New Yorker.

At this point I have nothing to lose or look forward to.

Apart from one day reuniting with my Dad in heaven.

Heck, I might as well make something of the time I have left.

Like slavery and apartheid poverty is not natural, it is manmade, and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great.

You can be that generation.

-Nelson Mandela

Another issue probably upsetting God is how the church is run today.

God calls a pastor to help his sheep transform and point them to God; sow them how to have a relationship with God.


Not to themselves.

Not so the sheep can ask them to approach God on their behalf.

Once the sheep have transformed, they become world changers and create solutions for the worlds’ problems.

If we had millions of world changers, we would have no problems in the world. The world would come to us first for solutions.

But the world we so badly want to return to is broken.

Climate change, homelessness, hunger, plastic in fish, racism, social inequality, companies that prey on the poor to make their money, company that put all kinds of poisonous toxins in products just to make a profit, etc.

God is not allowing us to return to normal till He sees change.

Otherwise, Covid-19 is here to stay.

I suggest we start working on the necessary changes because I need to fly to Kenya, avoid the Scandinavian winter and get my hair braided.

My next two articles will detail how to end racism (once and for all) and what alterations can help the modern church move from good to great.


Happy birthday Becky!


Follow me on Twitter and Instagram at nyakarimaking




Nyakarima King

Writer. Kenyan Queen. God’s Friend. American MBA in HR. Blog/website at